System: Running apache2.0.59 on a windows xp machine.

I'm attempting to use RewriteMap to do some complex url rewriting.  The
problem I'm running into is that for some reason my urls end up with a %0d
appended to the end.  I have searched the net for solutions and have found
several people with the same problem but have not found a solution.

I believe this problem is specific to apache on windows and specifically
deals with the difference between a windows newline and a unix newline, 
but can't guarantee that.

Here is my modrewrite directives in my httpd.conf:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteMap splitparms "prg:c:/perl/bin/perl.exe
RewriteRule ^\/(.*)\.html /none1.php?${splitparms:$1} [R]


(noticed the %0d on the end).

Anyone have any ideas as to how I can correct this?


I don't think it matters,  but here is my perl script:

#What I want to achieve here:
#$STDIN = "testhtml__pl-32__jg-55__psd-92";
#$RETURN= "pn=testhtml&pl=32&jg=55&psd=92";

$| = 1; # Turn off buffering

while (<STDIN>)
  @parmTokens = split(/__/,$_);
  $firstToken = 1;
  $outStr = "";
  foreach $parmPair (@parmTokens)

    if ($firstToken == 1)
      $outStr = "pn=".$parmPair;
      $firstToken = 0;
      @tokens = split(/-/, $parmPair);
      if (@tokens == 2)
        $outStr .= "&".$tokens[0]."=".$tokens[1];

  print $outStr."\n";

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