I am currently running a single website on my own Linux Box for my ownsmall 
business and wish to Host a website for a Canoe Club that I am a member of.  
Virtual Hosting is very new to me and I don't want too much downtime for my 
current website whilst setting this up.

I would be grateful if someone could point me in the right direction as to how 
to setup Virtual Hosting for the two Domain Names and allow remote FTP access 
for the Club Only.  I already have two domain Names setup to access my current 
Website, how can this be maintained using Virtual Hosting.   I effectively have 
three Domain Names to think about but two of them point to the same Host

I use perl / cgi scripting to dynamically create my current website, will this 
be a problem and does Virtual Hosting create problems, how can I allow perl / 
cgi scripting to the clubs site too?

Are there any serious security issues?

Are there any serious Do's and Don'ts involved?

Any Help and advice welcome.

Mark Feather

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