You know, the more I think about this, the more I think you could try to
get closer to implement what you want.


The example below uses LimitExcept, I think you could further restrict
it by the WebDAV properties...yes, it looks like you can as described by
the HTTP methods listed for LIMIT:


So you could try to add something like this to allow Group Y to COPY...



   Require group X



   Require group X Y



You could try to experiment multiple <LIMIT> or <LIMITEXCEPT> directives
to get what you need and see if Apache can handle that.  You could also
leave off the later directive to allow unauthenticated HTTP COPYs, GETs,


Try it out, I'd expect that Apache 1.x couldn't handle this, but 2.2.x



Mark Lavi, Enterprise Web Management Team @ SGI
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] || phone:+1-650-933-7707

From: Todd Hivnor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2006 12:50 PM
Subject: RE: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Limiting COPY method for WebDAV to one


Mark, thank for the clues. I guess I will need to tinker with OS-level
file permissions to solve this. I was hoping for a pure-Apache solution,
and am a bit disappointed with the granularity of control over COPY
operations. But I can work around the issue using file level

Thanks for the clue.

Mark Lavi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Ah, you've changed the scope of your question. :-)


So long as you leverage an Apache authorization module with user and
group permissions, I would think you could control permissions on who
can do what per directory easily, but for this solution, you would not
give both groups WebDAV access.


One group (read only) could browse the web server and download contents
of the autogenerated directory while the other group would be
authenticated to have WebDAV privileges. It's simpler to manage and
granular to the directory, but not exactly what you are asking for
because not both groups are given WebDAV permissions. So the read only
group could not do a select all files to download, much like a network
drive operation, unless they used some sort of browser enhancement.


Configuration would be something like (I'm doing this off the top of my
head for illustration, please don't expect to cut and paste this without
syntax correction and adaptation for your situation):


<Directory "/www/docroot/projects/X">

  Options Indexes

  AllowOverride None

  AuthType Basic

  AuthName "Only group X can publish!"

  AuthUserFile /home/www/acl/htpasswdfile

  AuthGroupFile /home/www/acl/groupfile

  DAV On

  <LimitExcept GET HEAD OPTIONS>

   Require group X





Mark Lavi, Enterprise
 Web Management Team @ SGI
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] || phone:+1-650-933-7707

From: Todd Hivnor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2006 11:15 AM
Subject: RE: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Limiting COPY method for WebDAV to one


Updating the permissions on the file system will work for folders which
are strictly read-only. But in a lot of cases, I want the folder to be
readable by group X and writable by group Y. 

Mark Lavi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I don't know of an Apache/WebDAV solution off the top of my head for
your requirement, but it is probably easiest to address this from the
filesystem: change the permissions on the directory to be read only.



Mark Lavi, Enterprise Web Management Team @
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] || phone:+1-650-933-7707

From: Todd Hivnor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, November 27, 2006 3:44 PM
Subject: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Limiting COPY method for WebDAV to one direction


I am running WebDAV on my Apache 2.0.51 server on Fedora Core 2. 


  I would like to allow users to copy files _from_ a certain directory, 

  but not _into_ it. However, if I allow the COPY method (via a the 

  LimitExcept tag)  then I am allowing copy _from_ and copy _to_. There

  seem to be able to any means to control the direction of the copy 



  Is there are way to
 configure this? It seems like a fairly basic 

  requirement: a read-only WebDAV folder which allows users to copy
files into 

  their personal directories, with a direct HTTP COPY call. 


   - Todd




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