Hello again,


I'm still running a Win2K Pro computer with OpenSA's Apache2 (2.0.47)
with PHP (4.3.2). I'm trying to use the php_msql.dll extension but keep
getting an error when try to use it. I have pointed the extension_dir to
the Dll's directory but Apache2 throws a "the procedure entry point
error php_sprintf could not be located in dynamic link library
php4ts.dll" error. 


I have tried to copy and paste the php4ts.dll into both the WINNT + the
SYSTEM32 folders but keep getting the same error. 


Here's the php.ini file entries:



; Directory in which the loadable extensions (modules) reside.

extension_dir = "C:\OpenSA\Apache2\php4\"





Does anyone know how to fix this problem?


Troy Moseley

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