
I am trying to get mod_deflate working with my virtual hosts, however it
does not appear to be doing anything. I am using Apache 2.2.4.

My Config is as follows:

NameVirtualHost *:80
Listen 80

<VirtualHost *:80>
 ServerName www.domain.com
 ServerSignature On
 DocumentRoot "D:/Website_Dev/cImages/cimage"
 AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/xml image/jpg
image/jpeg image/gif image/png application/xml application/xhtml+xml
 DeflateFilterNote Input instream
   DeflateFilterNote Output outstream
   DeflateFilterNote Ratio ratio
   DeflateCompressionLevel 9
   LogFormat '%t %r %{outstream}n/%{instream}n (%{ratio}n%%)' deflate
   CustomLog logs/deflate_main.log deflate
   LogLevel Debug

Within my deflate_main.log is showing no compression.

The error log from apache is showing:

[Wed Jan 17 21:48:28 2007] [debug] mod_headers.c(663): headers:
[Wed Jan 17 21:48:28 2007] [debug] mod_headers.c(663): headers:
[Wed Jan 17 21:48:28 2007] [debug] mod_headers.c(663): headers:

This looks like it is appending the headers, but nothing is happening. I am
using FireFox 2.0.

Any help would be much appreciated.


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