
I have issues with my disk usage on my webservers so I have a plan in mind.
Just wanted to know if I am on right track. I would like to gzip my contents
and use mod_ext_filter with gunzip. The deliverable I am looking at is, all
the contents are zipped and when contents move out of apache (
SetOutputFilter ) they are gunzipped and sent to the client. Hope the below
code will work.

I am using apache 2.0.52

# mod_ext_filter directive to define the external filter
ExtFilterDefine gzip mode=output cmd=/bin/gunzip

<Location /gunzipped>
# core directive to cause the gunzip filter to be
# run on output
SetOutputFilter gunzip

# mod_header directive to add
# "Content-Encoding: gzip" header field
Header set Content-Encoding gunzip

Please let me know if I am on the right track.


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