I have configured several virtual hosts on my apache 1.3-33 system. Each host 
has several webs. What I would like to do
is simplify this a little. Here is what I have and this works fine


ProxyPass /web1 http://other-server/web1

ProxyPassReverse /web1 http:// other-server/web1


ProxyPass /web2 http://other-server/web2

ProxyPassReverse /web2http:// other-server/web2


ProxyPass /web3 http://other-server/web3

ProxyPassReverse /web3 http:// other-server/web3


What I would rather do if possible is for each virtual host use only 2 line 
something like this


ProxyPass /$1 http://other-server/$1

ProxyPassReverse /$1 http://other-server/$1



1.      Is this possible?
2.      If so how?
3.      If not is there a better alternative for what I am currently doing.



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