Hi All
Using apache mod_proxy 2.2.0 on Solaris 8.
Imagine a web page where the overall content is delivered by a webserver A, and 
an IFrame in this page is delivered by a server B.
To route the request on the appropriate server, I use the following proxypass 
commands in apache 2.2.0, used as a proxy ;
ProxyPass /public/ http://serverA:80/public/
ProxyPassReverse /public/ http://serverA:80/public/
ProxyPass /be/ http://serverB:80/be/
ProxyPassReverse /be/ http://serverB:80/be/ 

When the overall page from A is loaded, all goes well. The page contains items 
delivered by both servers.
However, if I click on the browser reload button (both IE and firefox), the 
Iframe content (url is target is on server B) shows a 404 error which is logged 
on server A.
That is normally impossible regarding the proxypass configuration.
This is a part of the server A log;
[21/Feb/2007:10:21:50 +0100] "GET /public/images/nav/page_background.jpg 
HTTP/1.1" 304 -
[21/Feb/2007:10:21:50 +0100] "GET /be/fr/images/sales_tools_img_tcm179-1117.jpg 
HTTP/1.1" 404 341
As you can see, there is a GET on the folder /be/, that should not be possible 
regarding the proxypass configuration.
If I force a server content refresh, by hiting Ctrl+Shift+reload button (IE) or 
Ctrl+reload button (Firefox), all works well. 
As it is seen on the log, this is not a browser cache issue, since the request 
goes to bad server.
I analyzed the HTTP requests in both cases, by doing a simple refresh and a 
server content refresh, they are the same.
I will try to update this proxy from apache 2.2.0 to 2.2.4. 
Is there something else I could do ? Thanks.


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