I am trying to get authnz to work with multiple domains via the global
catalog. There is documentation on this under the 2.3 docs on apache. (
http://httpd.apache.org/docs/trunk/mod/mod_authnz_ldap.html ). There are
reports of other people getting this to work. 

I built the latest version of apache2 2.2.4.  

Below is the working authnz config and the one that does not work with
the global catalog and multiply AD domains. The error I get is:
[ldap_search_ext_s() for user failed][Invalid DN syntax] 

### Working ### This searches only one Domain 
<Location /test2> 
AuthType Basic 
AuthBasicProvider ldap 
AuthName "Require Valid User" 
AuthBasicAuthoritative On 
AuthzLDAPAuthoritative off 
AuthLDAPBindPassword 'xxxxxxxx' 
require valid-user 
DAV svn 
SVNPath /usr/local/svn/test2 
SVNAutoversioning on 

### NOT WORKING ### 
<Location /test1> 
AuthType Basic 
AuthBasicProvider ldap 
AuthName "Require Valid User" 
AuthBasicAuthoritative On 
AuthzLDAPAuthoritative off 
AuthLDAPBindPassword 'xxxxxxx' 
# THe below one works using the global catalog but only searchs one
# The below one does not work 
AuthLDAPURL ldap://10.xxx.xxx.xxx:3268/>userPrincipalName?sub
require valid-user 
DAV svn 
SVNPath /usr/local/svn/test1 
SVNAutoversioning on 

Thanks for any light someone can shed on the issue.

Keith O'Brien Sr. Unix Administrator
Phone 212-946-4225 Fax 212-946-4010 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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