Any answer to your questions below is entirely out of scope of
discussion on this Apache support list - because you are asking about
how authentication works in your distributed security environment.


You must be able to conduct a security audit of each component to answer
those questions, because any answer someone offers you about Apache
could not consider the entire environment you are using.





Mark Lavi, Enterprise Web Management Team @ SGI
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] || phone:+1-650-933-7707

From: prash reddy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, March 16, 2007 11:05 AM
Subject: Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Apache problem with MSIE


Hi Mark,

Thanks for response, but the application is working fine with iPlanet
webservers (with IE and Firefox). Reccently we upgraded webservers from
iPlanet to Apache 2.0.50

We are using a Oblix (WSSO) Authentication mechanisam in this scenario
to access the application, and the intresting thing is, it is working
just fine without this Authentication. 

Do we need to take care of any apache directives regarding
authentication?? or redirection??


On 3/15/07, Mark Lavi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The fact that you see different results in web browsers reveals the
answer to your question: the Apache web server does not change in your


The answer to your question: understanding the stateless protocol of
HTTP (REST) is why your application will respond with preserved fields
when the back button on any browser retrieves the page from a web
server. If your browser fetches from it's own cache, then it can
preserve the field values as a convenience - that is probably why you
see the difference in the browsers.


Either way, Apache and your application are not involved when a browser
chooses to go BACK and restores form field values.



Mark Lavi, Enterprise Web Management Team @ SGI
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] || phone:+1-650-933-7707

From: prash reddy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2007 1:50 PM
Subject: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Apache problem with MSIE


Hi All,

I am working on Apache 2.0.50 on Linux, proxying the requests to
weblogic server by path using the location block.

Here is the problem: In application,When i simply hit the browser back
button, i can see that all the commentents being lost which were entered
in previuos page. 

Its only happening with MSIE, where as it is working fine with firefox.

is it a problem with application code or apache webserver settings?



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