On Apr 9, 2007, at 4:38 AM, Mário Gamito wrote:

awstats.pl is located outside Apache's DocumentRoot in

I put there a .htaccess file with the following contents:
"AuthUserFile /usr/local/awstats/wwwroot/cgi-bin/.htpasswd
AuthName "stats"
AuthType Basic
require valid-user"

but it doesn't work, the page is unprotected.

You'll need to have AllowOverride set to (at least) AuthConfig for the directory. For instance, the default configuration file has a

<Directory />
  Options FollowSymLinks
  AllowOverride None

Change that AllowOverride None to AllowOverride AuthConfig, and you're good. Alternatively, you can put the configuration language in a <Directory> block in your httpd.conf, which takes away the need for .htaccess altogether.


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