On 4/27/07, Eric S. Johansson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm trying to hide a cgi url behind a pretty one.  from what I've found in the
archives, it may or may not be possible.

my rules are very simple and they satisfy my first requirement

                 RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
                 RewriteRule /(.*) /cgi-bin/akasha.cgi

and yes, I am redirecting to the cgi if a file does not exist for the given uri.
  the 404 handler does not work since it appears to lose all form data.

The problem is that the rules reveal the rewritten url.  looking at the wire
level traffic, I see that the response contains a Location header with the
rewritten url.  injecting a new location header causes apache to fail with some
sort of internal redirection error.  I'll reconstruct if it seems important.

any ideas on how to fix this problem?

Try replacing /cgi-bin/akasha.cgi with the full file-system path to
the cgi (ie /usr/local/apache2/cgi-bin/akasha.cgi). This will avoid
conflicts with mod_alias and prevent some possible redirect loops.


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