Thank Joshua 
  Slive <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:.....
  1. Move your photo.jpg someplace else.
  2. Reconfigure apache:
  On 1. It works when I moved image.jpg to htdocs: 
On 2. Link suggested: 
Alias /cgi-bin /var/www/cgi-bin
<Directory /var/www/cgi-bin>
 AddHandler cgi-script cgi pl
 Options ExecCGI

Should I add .jpg after "cgi pl " as "cgi pl jpg "
or add image.jpg into another directory such as:

/cgi-bin/photo/image.jpg ?

The file image.jpg is also working OK in cgi-bin 
when the output text file has a html tag for 
<img src.....jpg 

However, below url won't display:

  Thank you

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