
I'm using apache 1.3.34.

I try to do a redirection on an 401 error in a virtual host. I saw in the
apache FAQ I had to use ErrorDocument 401 /foo/bar

So, that's what I've done.
Here is the virtual host description :

NameVirtualHost *:80

<VirtualHost *:80>
        ServerName toto.ircad.fr
        DocumentRoot /var/www/sites

        ErrorDocument 401 /var/www/sites/untranet_redirect/index.php

        <Directory /var/www/sites/>
                AuthType Basic

                Options Indexes Includes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
                AllowOverride All
                Order allow,deny
                Allow from all

As you can see, the redirection should be done to the file
/var/www/sites/untranet_redirect/index.php when an 401 error occurs.
Unfortunately, I get always the following error :

[notice] cannot use a full URL in a 401 ErrorDocument directive ---

when I access the virtual host.

For your information, I also tried with an
ErrorDocument 401 /untranet_redirect/index.php with no more luck, and even
ErrorDocument 401 /untranet_redirect which doesn't work better.

I also tried to put the ErrorDocument line into the <Directory> tag. It does
not work.

The directory /var/www/sites/untranet_redirect exists, and the file
index.php in it too.

Can someone help me with this ?


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