What kind of application/browser are you using to display it?

I suspect that your browser doesn't know how to display a TIFF rather than Apache not being able to send it.


Vaughn, Terry wrote:
Hello all,

I really need a nudge in the right direction.

I have some TIF files that I transferred from a windows box to a linux box over a Samba connection. I cannot get Apache to display the file.TIF with this simple .htm :



<img src=”file.TIF”>



When I convert it to a PNG with Win Paint, and then copy over, I can get Apache to show it.
This works:



<img src=”file.PNG”>



Does anyone know why I can’t get TIF files to display on Linux / Apache? Am I missing a conversion? a config in .conf? Any help is appreciated. Thankyou.

My env is:  Linux AS3/ Apache2


Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

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