
I am an apache newbie so I apologize if my question seems silly..
I am having some problems enabling SSL on our web server.

We have one IP address for the server and 3 name-based virtual hosts.
NameVirtualHost OUR_IP_ADDRESS:80

<VirtualHost OUR_IP_ADDRESS:80>
ServerName    www.NAME1.com
DocumentRoot  /var/www/html1

<VirtualHost OUR_IP_ADDRESS:80>
ServerName    www.NAME2.com
DocumentRoot /var/www/html2

<VirtualHost OUR_IP_ADDRESS:80>
ServerName    fwww.NAME3.com
DocumentRoot /var/www/html3
We would like to enable SSL for www.NAME1.com or ALL of these virtual
hosts.. (Really - we just want it to work in any fashion at this point!)
Now, according to <http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/ssl/ssl_faq.html#vhosts2>,
I have tried updating this to:
<IfModule mod_ssl.c>
   Include conf.d/ssl.conf


NameVirtualHost OUR_IP_ADDRESS:80

<VirtualHost OUR_IP_ADDRESS:443>
ServerName    NAME1.com
DocumentRoot  /var/www/html1

<VirtualHost OUR_IP_ADDRESS:80>
ServerName    NAME2.com
DocumentRoot /var/www/html2

<VirtualHost OUR_IP_ADDRESS:80>
ServerName    NAME3.com
DocumentRoot /var/www/html3
where conf.d/ssl.conf file contains all the appropriate codes for enabling
SSL - loading the module, certificate and key definitions, etc.
However, when I do this, http://www.NAME1.com will point to
http://www.NAME2.com and https://www.NAME1.com does not work.
The certificate is issued to NAME1.com which is also the name of the

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!
Are there any easy to follow guides on how to ssl enable name-based virtual


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