On Wed, 30 May 2007, Tony Guadagno wrote:

> Hi,
>   I am trying to get ldap auth working, what am i doing wrong?
> this is my config
>       <Directory "d:/websites/ldaptest">
>               AuthType basic
>               AuthBasicProvider ldap
>               AuthName "LdapTest"
>               AuthLDAPURL ldap://ldap.com/o=somewhere?cn?sub
>               AuthLDAPBindDN cn=admin,o=somewhere
>               AuthLDAPBindPassword pw
>               AllowOverride None
>               Order allow,deny
>               Allow from 172.30
>               Allow from 10.1
>               require valid-user
>       </Directory>
> when i hit the url, i am asked to login, when i do, it asks me again.  it 
> fails after 3 times and here is what is in the apache log
> [Wed May 30 22:25:19 2007] [warn] [client] [2692] auth_ldap 
> authenticate: user  authentication failed; URI / [ldap_search_ext_s() for 
> user failed][Filter Error]
I'll assume you are using httpd 2.2.x

Not sure about all of your issues but to use "require valid-user" you

AuthzLDAPAuthoritative Off

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Boeing Shared Services

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