For limiting the CA's you accept, look into the directive SSLCADNRequestFile.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2007 9:23 AM
Subject: [EMAIL PROTECTED] mod_ssl and client cert

Hello everyone. 
I've an apache 2.2.4 up and running! 
I've this configuration in my ssl.conf file: 

ErrorLog /opt/CHROOT/HTTPD-2.2.4/logs/error_log
TransferLog /opt/CHROOT/HTTPD-2.2.4/logs/access_log
SSLEngine on
SSLCertificateFile /opt/CHROOT/HTTPD-2.2.4/conf/cert/smactest.cert.temp
SSLCertificateKeyFile /opt/CHROOT/HTTPD-2.2.4/conf/cert/smactest.key.temp
SSLCACertificateFile /opt/CHROOT/HTTPD-2.2.4/conf/cert/ProgettieServizi.cer
 <Location />
 SSLVerifyClient require
 SSLVerifyDepth  10
 SSLRequire %{SSL_CLIENT_I_DN_CN} eq "manuciao" 

As you can see I want client authentication but with this configuration the 
server doesn't ask certificate for the browser. 
If I move  SSLVerifyClient and SSLVerifyDepth out of the location directive the 
server ask client cert but then it seems that the filter doesn't work. 
And the server ask me a cert I select it from my browser list and it is not 
signed from a CA with a common name "manuciao" but the server doesn't stop me 
from serving a page. 

How Can I see   SSL_CLIENT_I_DN_CN value? 
I've turn the debug on but I can't see anything for this variable. 

If I want a configuration where the server asks for client certificates for 
specific url and accepts only the one with a specific CA or a specific common 
name what have I to do???? 

What is the configuration in my ssl.conf file? 

Pleas let me know! 
Thanks in advance 

Manuela Vorazzo   

"Dale Ogilvie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

31/05/2007 04.15
Please respond to

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mod_proxy_balance never recovers from a worker error         
with stickysession



I am running Apache 2.2.3 on RedHat EL 5. I am trying to use Apache to load 
balance between two local instances of tomcat in order to utilize the vast 
quantities of RAM on our production server.

My httpd setup looks like this:

<Proxy balancer://tomcat>
   BalancerMember ajp://localhost:8009 min=10 max=100 route=tomcat1
loadfactor=1 retry=120
   BalancerMember ajp://localhost:8010 min=10 max=100 route=tomcat2
loadfactor=1 retry=120

<Location /balancer-manager>
   SetHandler balancer-manager
   Order deny,allow
   Deny from all
   Allow from

ProxyPass /dscgi/ balancer://tomcat/docushare/dsweb/
stickysession=JSESSIONID nofailover=On
ProxyPass /docushare balancer://tomcat/docushare stickysession=JSESSIONID 
nofailover=On ProxyPass /docushare/ balancer://tomcat/docushare/ 
stickysession=JSESSIONID nofailover=On

The problem is that if one of the workers gets into error status, any client 
with a JSESSIONID referencing that route is never able to receive a reply, 
Apache *always* responds with a 503 - Temporarily unavailable,
*until* another request is successful. I expected with "retry=120" that after 
120 seconds the client would be able to use the errored out worker, but this is 
*not* the case.

Test case:

1. Start tomcats
2. Access /docushare, this succeeds and returns a JSESSIONID cookie referencing 
the member e.g.
3. Stop tomcats to simulate a backend failure 4. Access /docushare again in the 
same browser session, this fails with a 503 error (as expected). 
Balance-manager shows tomcat1 is OK, and
tomcat2 is Err
Error_log shows: All workers are in error state for route (tomcat2) 5. Start 
tomcats again 6. Wait for 120+ seconds to allow retry=120 to take effect 7. 
Access /docushare *using the session with the tomcat2 cookie*, expect success, 
get 503 error. I can repeat this step ad nauseam without ever getting a 
successful response.
Error_log shows: All workers are in error state for route (tomcat2) 8. To 
resolve the issue, delete the JSESSIONID cookie from the client or open up a 
new browser and access /docushare. Either of these seem to solve the problem 
for the "cookied" browser session.
9. Access /docushare, this succeeds, balance-manager shows both tomcat1 and 
tomcat2 are now OK even though the cookie returned to this request is for 

So I would expect that the balance would retry the errored path successfully 
"retry" seconds after the failure. Is this a bug or do I have some 
misunderstanding and/or misconfiguration?


Dale Ogilvie
Senior Software Engineer
Trimble Navigation NZ Ltd
P O Box 8729
Ph:       +64 3 9635344
Fax:     +64 3 9635317

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