Tony Stevenson wrote:
> An alternative to changing all your links, could be for you to use
> reverse proxy.
> i.e.
> <Location /pdf>
>    ProxyPass / http://localhost:8080/
>    ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:8080/
> </Location>
> This way you could ensure that the change is transparent to the end
> user, and they remain on your server under your control.
> However doing it this way you will only limit connections from the front
> end server to the back end server.

And you'll be serving up 502s once that back-end httpd has all its
twenty children tied up.  Is that what you want?  You might consider
cutting excess access off at the network layer, by limiting the number
of concurrent connections from any given IP to a
large-but-not-destructive number.


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