> hello all,
> for two days i've tried to google solution for my problem.
> i'm using apache2.2 win32 binaries from apache.org
> and openldap win32 binaries from
> http://download.bergmans.us/openldap/openldap-2.2.29/
> i have running openldap service, when searching directory, i'll get, at
> least, two entries.
> i tested all (ldap filter, etc) in java, perl, and softerra ldap browser.
> but when i enter, e.g. userid jkjr (see log bellow) i'll get error 500.
> when i went through logs, i think that no ldap query is passed to ldap
> server by apache...
> i don't know, what is going wrong :(
> thanks for any 'working' advice :)

Don't know if this is the answer, but I do have a working ldap/subversion
setup.  For some reason I needed

AuthUserFile /dev/null

after my "AuthBasicProvider ldap" line.  I think I had beaten my head
against a wall trying to upgrade my 2.0.x setup to 2.2.x and found that
line after a google search.

You also seem to have some SSL issue but not sure if it's affecting the
problem since you don't seem to be using ldaps: to access ldap.  I do, and
believe it's always a good idea to encrypt password traffic.

Good luck,


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