In continuation to below error, I have few more lines of log.
[Thu Aug 09 20:09:27 2007] [28566:38592] [debug]
wc_get_worker_for_name::jk_worker.c (114): found a worker iat1
[Thu Aug 09 20:09:27 2007] [28566:38592] [debug]
wc_get_name_for_type::jk_worker.c (290): Found worker type 'ajp13'
[Thu Aug 09 20:09:27 2007] [28566:38592] [debug]
init_ws_service::mod_jk.c (607): Service protocol=HTTP/1.1 method=GET
host=(null) addr= port=7001
auth=(null) user=(null) laddr= raddr=

[Thu Aug 09 20:10:50 2007] [28567:38592] [debug]
map_uri_to_worker::jk_uri_worker_map.c (616): Found a wildchar match
[Thu Aug 09 20:10:50 2007] [28567:38592] [debug] jk_handler::mod_jk.c
(2111): Into handler jakarta-servlet worker=custdash1 r->proxyreq=0
[Thu Aug 09 20:10:50 2007] [28567:38592] [debug]
wc_get_worker_for_name::jk_worker.c (114): found a worker custdash1
[Thu Aug 09 20:10:50 2007] [28567:38592] [debug]
wc_get_name_for_type::jk_worker.c (290): Found worker type 'ajp13'
[Thu Aug 09 20:10:50 2007] [28567:38592] [debug]
init_ws_service::mod_jk.c (607): Service protocol=HTTP/1.1 method=GET
host=(null) addr= port=80 auth=(null)
user=(null) laddr= raddr=
[Thu Aug 09 20:49:17 2007] [29047:38592] [debug]
wc_get_worker_for_name::jk_worker.c (114): found a worker ecatalog1
[Thu Aug 09 20:49:17 2007] [29047:38592] [debug]
wc_get_name_for_type::jk_worker.c (290): Found worker type 'ajp13'
[Thu Aug 09 20:49:17 2007] [29047:38592] [debug]
init_ws_service::mod_jk.c (607): Service protocol=HTTP/1.1 method=GET
host=(null) addr= port=8
0 auth=(null) user=(null) laddr= raddr=
In the above bold lines, my URL port is getting changed from 7001 to 80
mysteriously. My instance is running over 7001 and application too, is
pointing to 7001 in all of the configuration. What could be the reason
for getting it redirected to port 80?


From: Sangoi, Nehal (Gexpro, consultant) 
Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2007 10:20 AM
Subject: [EMAIL PROTECTED] mod_jk error

I am running apache 2.0.59 on linux machine with the mod_jk 1.2.19
binary as connector to tomcat 5.5.23.
For one of the workers in mod_jk, its giving me following error.
[Tue Aug 07 20:41:03 2007] [22993:22208] [debug] jk_handler::mod_jk.c
(2047): Service finished with status=404 for worker=tss1
I tried to search the fressh mod_jk binary for the given apache version,
but it seems, its not available anymore. Hence, I tried to build from
the source code, but that option also did not work.
What could be the possible reason for the error mentioned and how it can
be resolved?

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