On 18/08/07, David Díaz Díaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a question, maybe silly question, about to how can I change the MPM
> on an Apache Installed, let me explain I have Apache 2.2.4 running on Fedora
> Core 5 with PHP 5 and Mysql 5; I've installed the apache with default
> options, "configure --enable-so",  I saw that default MPM installed was
> prefork, but now I want to changed it for worker MPM...
> How can I do it?, I need recompile the apache "--with-mpm=worker"... I know
> this list it's for apache, what is the appropiate MPM Apache that works
> better with php?
> regards

Had you stuck with the RPM, you'd be able to just edit
/etc/sysconfig/httpd so switch to the /usr/sbin/httpd-worker server

However, I don't think running PHP with worker is terribly advisable
unless under controlled conditions. Aside from the oft-noted thread
safety issues in 'some' php extensions, there's also the potential
side effects of PHP crashing. There are multiple known methods for
causing mod_php to crash based on things like URL crafting. In prefork
that's not a really big deal as the parent will just spawn a new child
and carry on
but with worker you'll be taking out many requests at the same time.

This is all based on hearsay; I've never tried php and worker in
production, but they seem fine on my development box.


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