Dear user list.
I am trying to get apache 2.0.52 working on windows 2003 ES with a vhost that 
has the documentRoot on an NFS share (that is on a Solaris 9 server) mounted 
through SFU (Services For Unix) 3.5.
The mount is Z:\ that points to the share
I can read, write and delete files on the share.
There is a folder "test" in the share and I can read, write and delete files 
in it.
It seems that apache doesn't find the folder. I tried the following:

-alias+Directory directive or alias+mount+Directory directive:

alias /load_test "\\\mnt\ramdisk_1\test"
<Directory \\\mnt\ramdisk_1\test> 
        Options Indexes 

alias /load_test "Z:/test"
<Directory Z:/test> 
        Options Indexes 

It doesn't start at all. If I comment the Directory section, apache starts but 
http://..../load_test gives me an 404 error

-vHost with the documentroot on the mounted share
<VirtualHost *:8081> 
        DocumentRoot "Z:\test" 
    ErrorLog logs/nfs-error_log 
    CustomLog logs/nfs-access_log common 
        Options Indexes 

-vHost with the documentroot on the share URL
<VirtualHost *:8081> 
        DocumentRoot "\\\mnt\ramdisk_1\test" 
    ErrorLog logs/nfs-error_log 
    CustomLog logs/nfs-access_log common 
        Options Indexes 

apache starts but giving me again a 404 error.
I tried mounting the share both TCP and UDP. No way. It doesn't work

any help will be very appreciated, thanks

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