On 9/27/07, Robinson Craig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear experts,
> I've been working through a process of upgrading our SUN web servers
> from PHP4 to PHP5. An interesting thing happened when I did our Internet
> web server this morning. Typically, the number of HTTP processes running
> during business hours is about 20 - 40. However, upon installing PHP5
> and changing the apache conf to load the new PHP5 module, increased the
> number of processes to 100 - 130. Consequently consuming more memory and
> swap.
> PHP pages have marginally changed, but not significantly in structure.
> Has anyone ever seen any activity like this?? It seems that it has
> something to do with the new PHP5 library being loaded, as number of
> processes increases pretty well straight away after restart of APACHE.
> ENV: apache 1.3 on Sparc Solaris 8.

We're talking about some ancient software there. Oh well.

To figure out why you have all these processes active, fire up the
server-status display provided by mod_status and see what your
processes are doing.


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