On 9/30/07, Ian Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Am I doing thinks a little backwards here. I simply have a requirement that:
>    1. I can't use a name based servers, and
>    2. I want to keep two completely separate and independent server roots.
> Is this not possible?

I have had this bookmarked for about a year now:

Running Name-Based SSL Virtual Hosts in Apache

I've never actually read the article, but the topic looked
interesting, it might be able to help you.

That being said - if you really want to run two instances, you need to
configure your Listen directive to bind only to a certain IP address.
By default, Apache is configured to bind to every interface.

You control this via the Listen directive:


Your 'utility' instance would be bound only to locahost, so you'd edit
it's httpd.conf like:


Also, you can treat localhost like a normal IP address and configure
it with as an IP based virtual host...

HTH, or atleast gets you going in the right direction.

-- brian

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