Hey Guys

I'm having an issue with my website where a user will sometimes be switched
to someone else's session. Tracing this down it is because they have been
given another users cookie. After searching through the logs I was able to
narrow the issue to Apache.

I have apache setup with mem cache and proxy load balancer with 4 mongrel's
server (those that don't know ruby on rails server). With this set up I was
able to find a bug that was close to my description (
http://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=42935). The answer was to
add this line CacheIgnoreHeaders Set-Cookie. Though the issue still exists.

I have searched the net and I can't find anything else on the subject. Does
anyone know what could be the issue? Could Apache still be caching the

below mem cache setup

<IfModule mem_cache>
  CacheEnable mem /
  MCacheSize 16000
  MCacheMaxObjectCount 500
  MCacheMinObjectSize 1
  MCacheMaxObjectSize 3048
  CacheDisable /accounts/
  CacheIgnoreHeaders Set-Cookie

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