A client of ours just renewed his ssl certificate.  When we installed the
new cert, apache gave the old:

saero44 ~> tail /usr/local/apache/logs/error_log [Fri Oct 26 14:27:36 2007]
[error] ApacheSSLSetCertStuff failed [Fri Oct 26 14:28:11 2007] [crit]
unable to set private key [Fri Oct 26 14:28:11 2007] [crit]
error:0B080074:x509 certificate routines:X509_check_private_key:key values
mismatch [Fri Oct 26 14:28:11 2007] [error] ApacheSSLSetCertStuff failed
[Fri Oct 26 14:28:23 2007] [crit] unable to set private key [Fri Oct 26
14:28:23 2007] [crit] error:0B080074:x509 certificate
routines:X509_check_private_key:key values mismatch [Fri Oct 26 14:28:23
2007] [error] ApacheSSLSetCertStuff failed [Fri Oct 26 14:40:20 2007] [crit]
unable to set private key [Fri Oct 26 14:40:20 2007] [crit]
error:0B080074:x509 certificate routines:X509_check_private_key:key values
mismatch [Fri Oct 26 14:40:20 2007] [error] ApacheSSLSetCertStuff failed

Here are the ssl directives from httpd.conf

SSLCertificateFile /home/spectrum/ssl/secure.spectrum.aero.crt
SSLCertificateKeyFile /home/spectrum/ssl/secure.spectrum.aero.key
#SSLCertificateChainFile /home/spectrum/ssl/secure.spectrum.aero.ca-bundle
SSLCACertificateFile /home/spectrum/ssl/secure.spectrum.aero.ca-bundle

...and to make sure that the keys match...

saero44 ~> openssl rsa -noout -modulus -in
/home/spectrum/ssl/secure.spectrum.aero.key | openssl md5
saero44 ~> openssl x509 -noout -modulus -in
/home/spectrum/ssl/secure.spectrum.aero.crt | openssl md5
saero44 ~>

When we point the server back to the old certificates, it starts w/o errors.
I'm stumped.  Ideas, anyone?


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