Once every 10 minutes (or so), I get loads of lines like this in logs/errors:

[Sat Nov 10 14:06:42 2007] [crit] (70023)This function has not been
implemented on this platform: DBD: driver for [DBDriver unset] not
[Sat Nov 10 14:06:42 2007] [crit] (70023)This function has not been
implemented on this platform: DBD: failed to initialise

The website (PHP + PostgreSQL) works without any flaws or errors, but
I'm really not interested in having this error fill my logfiles.

Googling around, this DBD-thing seems to be some base component for
everything that requires a database-backbone. But I could be wrong,
since if it cannot initialize, how can my postgres work?

What's the real reason for this error? Or: How do I find the real
reason for this error?

- Rikard.

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