On Dec 9, 2007, at 6:04 AM, Erik Kullberg wrote:

The installation (as autostart) of Apache 1.3.33 (same as before) went OK.
I use the same httpd.conf as before (worked ok the last four years).
It is run with PHP, which also is mounted exactly the same way as before and with the same php.ini.
Result: Apache does not start.
Any idea?

No idea. Check the logs, and the system event log (Applications section) if the error log didn't get created. See what went wrong and ask us questions about that if necessary.

I thought that using the same old version would save me trouble ...
Will using Apache 2.2.6 (with a new httpd.conf, I guess) help?

Hard to tell. Your question is similar to "I want to use the same old 1973 Yugo on the bardn new freeway. I hooked the horse trailer to the back of the Yugo. The Yugo won't start. Any idea?

The canonical question is: "What Does the Error Log Say?"

I definitely recommend using Apache 2.2.x over 1.3.x, especially on Windows. Also, the 2.2.x branch is actually under active maintenance, as opposed to 1.3. Also, 2.2 is more like an F150 and will do better with that horse trailer.


Sander Temme
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