Hi All,

I am having trouble with my first attempts at using rewrite rules under
apache. I am not sure where I am going wrong and have spent the morning
googling to try and figure this out.

I want to rewrite http://www.site.org/doc/bin/view/TWiki/WebHome so it looks
like http://www.site.org/doc/WebHome where WebHome changes

I have the following in my conf file

ScriptAlias /doc/bin "/opt/twiki/bin"
Alias /doc/pub "/opt/twiki/pub"
Alias /doc "/opt/twiki"

RewriteEngine On
ReWriteLogLevel 9
<Directory "/opt/twiki/bin">
RewriteRule ^doc/([A-Z].*) /doc/bin/view/$1 [PT] [L]

Any clues as to what I am doing wrong?
The error log does not contain any log entries relating to rewriting so I
think I am completely missing the mark...



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