I've been struggling to create a .htaccess 301 redirect for an rss feed from a wordpress blog that is used for a podcast. Essentially the situation is that I changed the domain name of my podcast and have been unable to get iTunes to update the rss feed to the new rss feed at the new domain. There are 2 methods for changing the feed location: 1) to add a new-feed-url tag to the rss feed 2) to add a 301 redirect to point the old feed url to the new feed url. Apple recommends doing both, but as of yet I have only tried the first option. Its been about 6 months and iTunes has failed to notice the new-feed-url tag in the feed so I thought I should add a 301 redirect in addition in order to get iTunes to update. If it matters I am using the latest release of wordpress and podpress plugin, Apache 2 and Gentoo in a shared hosting environment where I have root access to the entire server.

I need http://www.djaradio.com/?feed=rss2 to redirect to 

Currently my .htaccess file looks like this:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
Redirect 301 /?feed=rss2 http://www.discjockeyamerica.com/?feed=podcast
Redirect 301 /arn.html http://www.discjockeyamerica.com/?feed=podcast

The arn.html redirect is just there for testing, but notice that it does properly redirect as expected while the /?feed=rss2 redirect does not.

I tried escaping the unusual characters as below:
Redirect 301 /%3ffeed%3drss2 http://www.discjockeyamerica.com/?feed=podcast
This didn't work though.

The wordpress forums have lots of similar posts but nothing for this specific problem, and most questions of this nature have gone unanswered. I have posted to the podpress plugin forum, but think this might be a bit outside the expertise found at that forum. So far most help I have received has been through google searches.

Help would be greatly appreciated.

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