I am using apache 1.3 on a debian etch system with a 2.6 kernel. I have www
root redirected from a file in conf.d. I am currently using a symlink in the
redirected root to direct a php file to a different directory in /var/www/
and I would rather use httpd.conf to do this. 


Although I am pretty sure that I can use the file in conf.d, that file is
used on other systems for a particular software program that do not have
this php file.


I have tried using an Alias and I get   "401 Authorization Required"


Alias /file.php /var/www/directory/file.php


And a rewrite rule gets me a file not found error


RewriteRule /file.php /var/www/directory/file.php [R]


So do I have the right idea and the wrong syntax or is this even possible?







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