
Thanks... restarting or reloading seemed to apply the changes made to
/etc/group file. 

Is there a way to dump to screen the apache "environment stuff" to what
exactly apache sees?  I looked at the man pages for apache2 and
apache2ctl searching for 'environment' ... no matches.


Udo Rader wrote:
> On Tue, 2008-02-26 at 11:08 -0500, Richard Geddes wrote:
>> Thanks for the response.  
>> I set up a directory under the main DocumentRoot called test 
>> drwxr-xr-x 2 rgeddes rgeddes  80 2008-02-18 15:18 test
>> and it appeared in a directory listing in the webpage of my main
>> DocumentRoot.
>> Changed permissions as follows:
>> drwxr-x--- 2 rgeddes rgeddes  80 2008-02-18 15:18 test
>> and test disappears from the webpage (this makes sense)
>> changed group as follows:
>> drwxr-x--- 2 rgeddes www-data  80 2008-02-18 15:18 test
>> and test appears in the webpage (this makes sense) as the servers are
>> running as www-data.
>> Now if I change the group back to:
>> drwxr-x--- 2 rgeddes rgeddes  80 2008-02-18 15:18 test
>> and I add www-data to the rgeddes group in /etc/group, the directory
>> fails to show up.  This does not make sense to me as www-data is part
>> of the rgeddes group and rgeddes has r-x permissions.
>> Is there a reason why www-data is not being granted rgeddes group
>> permissions?
> restart Apache. Apache, like any other UNIX process "rembers" some basic
> "environmental" stuff, like the (secondary) group membership(s) of the
> user it runs under.
> Restarting Apache makes it "refetch" this kind data.

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