I am running apache 2.2.4 on Red Hat. I need to set 2 cookies, then redirect 
the request. The redirect is working, but the cookies are not being set. In 
order to debug this, I wrote a simple Perl CGI that sets 2 cookies, then 
redirects to another Perl CGI on the same server which reads all cookies.
Here is the CGI that sets the cookies and performs the redirect (note: domain 
name changed to protect the innocent)
  my $query = new CGI;
my $cookie1 = cookie( -name => 'ID',
                      -value => "11498",
                      -domain => "xxx.com",
                      -path => '/');
my $cookie2 = cookie( -name => 'User',
                      -value => "rec",
                      -domain => "xxx.com",
                      -path => '/');
print $query->header(-cookie=> [$cookie1, $cookie2]);
print "<HTML><HEADER><META HTTP-EQUIV='refresh' CONTENT='0;URL=$request_uri'>";

  The redirect occurs and this CGI reads all cookies, but the 2 cookies set 
above are never found:
  open(LOG, ">/tmp/logfile");
%cookies = fetch CGI::Cookie;
foreach $c (keys(%cookies)) {
  print LOG "$cookies{$c}\n";
print LOG "Cookies printed\n";
close LOG;

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