     I have a problem when I tried to migrate data
from apache 1.3 to apache 2.0

I need to list all my file in public_html(just set
"Options Indexes" to enable it)

With Apache 2.0
I found that all filename with chinese (big5) are
wrong character setting(ISO-8859) in my
It's ok if I change the character setting in my
but after refreshing the page with F5,
the character setting chage back to ISO-8859

But it's all OK in the Apache 1.3
I want to know how to set the default character
setting to what I want in the apache conf ?

I have tried to add these setting

DefaultLanguage zh-TW
LanguagePriority zh-TW
AddDefaultCharset Big5

but this problem is still there....

Could anyone give me a suggestion?

Thanks a lot
and sorry for my poor english.

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