On Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 10:53:38AM +0100, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
> Ray Van Dolson wrote:
>> Hi all, running into this on an old Apache 2.0.46 installation
>> (actually httpd-2.0.46-70.ent from RHEL 3 Update 9).
>> When a user attempts to upload a large file it's exceeding the
>> LimitRequestBody size and Apache returns a 413 error.  It appears
>> however that the browser (IE6 and FireFox 2.x in this case) do not
>> display the 413 message and instead show an error as if the connection
>> has been reset.
>> Upon examination of the packet stream I do see the 413 message reaching
>> the client, but after that the server immediately sends RST,ACK packets
>> to tell the client to quit trying to send data.  I'm guessing this is
>> triggering the browser to just abort instead of showin the 413 error
>> page.
>> Is this something that could be handled differently by Apache 
> yes - Apache could consume the entire message body.  Issue is that you
> likely limited request bodies for a good reason (e.g. traffic limiting)
> so there is no desire to do this.

Yeah, exactly. :)  Well, it's clear the browser gets the 413 packet, I
just wish it would do something with it instead of acting on the RST's.

> Could we perhaps consume and discard an additional LimitRequestBody amount
> of traffic before our read-close?  Probably it's worth a hack to find out
> if this helps the client any.

In my case this probably wouldn't as my LimitRequestBody is set to a
very large value.  I'd like for the client to being attempting an
upload that is "too large" and for Apache to yell "Stop!" after it gets
the Content-Length header and then have the browser actually
acknowledge and display the error... would it work to have Apache
consume a "bit more" of the data before aborting the connection?
Probably not.


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