
I've encountered a baffling problem trying to serve web pages located on a vxfs 
filesystem.  Files of 255 bytes or less are served fine, but pages of 256 bytes 
or more result in a blank page in FireFox.  If I locate identical files on any 
other kind of filesystem, they work fine.

I'm using the apache2-2.0.59-1.8 RPM under SLES 9 patchlevel 4, x86_64, with 

I compiled the 2.0.63 apache2 source code and the result is the same.  I looked 
through the source code and attempted to track down the problem using gdb 
without success, mainly because I can't identify the ideal location(s) to set 
breakpoints.  I ran httpd with LogLevel "debug" but could see no additional 
messages.  The result codes logged by apache when using FireFox as a client are 
"206 Partial Content", however if I use wget it logs "200 OK", but wget keeps 
retrying without actually downloading the web page data.

Does anyone have any theories about the cause of this issue, or suggestions to 
narrow it down?



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