Robert McNaught wrote:
> I can see in the access log what the phone is trying to do, but cannot
> figure out how to allow the PUT method, which from what I gather is
> pretty uncommon.  I have tried making permissions 777 for the
> directory the phone is trying to upload to incase that was the issue.

Well, apache does not provide the PUT functionality by itself,
you have to write a CGI program to handle the PUT request.

Once you have the CGI, the configuration goes as follows:

        # Define a directory for CGI-Skripts
        ScriptAlias /cgi-bin /usr/lib/cgi-bin

        # Install the PUT handler
        Script PUT /cgi-bin/put

        # Make sure that the Handler is protected in some way
        # Well this might be 2.0 syntax, I'm not sure
        # if it's the same with 2.2
        <Location /cgi-bin/put>
          AuthName PUT
          AuthType Basic
          AuthUserFile /path/to/user.file
          require valid-user

Here you can find a simple PUT script in Python, (but you can write it
in any language you like, PHP, Perl, C, etc):

It's not very good, but it shows, how it works.


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