
so i'd like to do the following:

If a Browser sends a request to "http://anyname.myserver.de"; then i'd like to redirect the browser to

If course, if anyname is substituted by ??? or &&& or ===, i still want things to work properly - that is:
  chars like ?&= must be replaced by  % following two hex digits.

Here's what i've tried so far:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteMap mymap int:escape

1) RewriteRule ^/test
  http://www.myserver.de/domain?name=%{HTTP_HOST} [L,R=301]

2) RewriteRule ^/test
  http://www.myserver.de/domain?name=${mymap:%{HTTP_HOST}} [L,R=301]

So the escape-map used in 2) sucks. It doesn't escape & or = or ?
The rule 1) simply redirects to URLs such as

URLs which i simply consider very harmful.

What's the apache-way of properly doing this?
I don't want to have an external program for doing the mapping. This is such a standard-task (building a properly escaped querystring) - there must be way.

I'm using apache 2.2.9 on Linux.


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