Hello List,

First time poster here.

After several attempts spread out over several months I managed to find a solution to my objective and would like some feedback if my method is a good way to go.

The data below if from my OS X laptop and I will be deploying on Gentoo Linux incase there is some platform specific issues.

bash-3.2# apachectl -v
Server version: Apache/2.2.8 (Unix)
Server built:   Mar  4 2008 21:37:02

My objectives:

Give my clients filesystem access (ftp, sftp, etc...) to public httpd directories. Have some common directories for code and other resources that are shared by various applications I have written and host on the same server but under different domains/directories. Be able to create zip archives of client applications that don't include my files in my common directories.

What I have done:

Added an Alias and Directory designation to a file named global.conf that is in a directory that gets traversed for *.conf by httpd on startup.

/* global.conf content
Alias /global/ /Library/WebServer/Documents/global/
<Directory "/Library/WebServer/Documents/global">
        Order deny,allow
        Allow from all

Is this a good way to accomplish this are is there a preferred method?

I don't want to reinvent the wheel but I couldn't find a wheel :)

I find certain topics for web searches to be particularly difficult for me to compose that return useful results. Searches with httpd, directory, multiple, conf etc.. is an example. No matter what I could come up with I just kept getting the same types of results which were basic configuration directives. I think I'm just weak here or it's the result of apache httpd being so incredibly popular. I probably need to find a good resource for learning more sophisticated googling. ha

Wow, a light bulb just went off. This is probably similar to the way people do cgi scripts but I have rarely used them so I don't know. I'll have a look at how cgi dirs are handled by others.

Still any feedback would be very much appreciated.

Thanks for your time,
Bradley Giesbrecht

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