Hey all,

Just needed some advice on .htacess. Just wondering what is be best way to
go about this. This is my situation.

I have a big list of ips which i need to give access to one site. I need to
block it from the rest of the world.

In the past i've typically written a htaccess file like this:

deny from all
allow from
allow from localhost

seams to do the job but im wondering if it could be done better. The ip
address wont be changed often, and when they do, i would most likley be the
person to do so, so i could do this on the conf file. Problem is, i dont
know how to do so, could any one help ? Im also wondering if its possible to
point people off if they are not on the allow list, maybe off to another
file which i could say no access etc

can any one shed some light on this ?


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