On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 8:50 AM, André Warnier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi. Me again butting in, because I am confused again.
> When users workstations within a company's local network have browsers
> configured to use an internal "http proxy" in order to access Internet HTTP
> servers, is this internal proxy system a "forward" or a "reverse" proxy ?
> I am not talking here about a generic IP Internet router doing NAT, I am
> talking specifically about a "web proxy".  This HTTP proxy may also do NAT
> of course, but its main function I believe is to cache pages from external
> servers for the benefit of internal workstations, no ?
> If this is a forward proxy, then I do not understand the comment of
> Solprovider that seems to indicate that such things are obsolete and/or
> dangerous.  At any rate, they are in use in most corporate networks I am
> aware of.
> André


What you are talking about is a forward proxy and most of the time they are
transparent to the users behind them.  Things do get a little blurry,
though, as sometimes they handle routing and NATing as well. SafeSquid (
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SafeSquid) of this in terms of software.  They
are also hardware based solutions, such as Barracuda networks web filter,
but I do not believe this does caching.

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