Hi all,

my problem is the following: In /var/www/vhosts i have the virtual hosts, i.e. /var/www/vhosts/{site.com,test.net,etc.com}.Now i have n users. I want user1 to be able to access the site.com and test.net directory over webdav on his dav folder at https://user1:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/dav/user1/{site.com,test.net}. I started with a simple test

Alias /dav "/var/www/vhosts"
<Directory "/var/www/vhosts">
   Dav On
   ForceType text/plain
   # Auth
   AuthType Digest
   AuthName DAV
   AuthUserFile "/var/www/.htpasswddav"
   # Allow access from any host
   Order allow,deny
   Allow from all
   Options None
       # Disable anything
   <LimitExcept GET OPTIONS>
       require user admin
   SSLOptions +StrictRequire

The LimitExcept directive is obviously incorrect because this way it blocks out a substantial part of standard http requests (not-dav requests). What i need help with is the following:

Q1 isnt there some easier way to allow different users to access different folders and subfolders over dav? Am I not doing things unnecessary complicated? Q2 how can i make visible only the paths/dirs the user is to have access to? Symlinks dont work with mod_dav. Enabling dav on an empty dir (/dav) and aliasing with Alias /dav/site.com "/var/www/vhosts/site.com" doesnt work as well. I'm not sure if mount --bind would be suitable because the box has about 300 users. Never used mount --bind in such a number and am not aware of possible security issues. Q3 in the example config. above, wouldnt it be easier to only turn on DAV on /var/www/vhosts and then work with <Location> instead of <Directory>? Q4 isnt there some easier way to allow different users to access different folders and subfolders?

Any help will be very appreciated.
TIA, Pavel Stratil

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