I downloaded a chinese webpage onto my remote server using wget (where
I host my Apache 1.3 webserver - running Debian testing release) and
when I view it the Chinese characters have been replaced with ASCII
gibberish. Yet the original Chinese page displays fine in Firefox on
my local machine (Ubuntu 6.06) and I can even see the Chinese
characters in my local console in Ubuntu when I load the file in

Here is my download script:

Here is the garbled page after it downloads it:

The meta tags indicate the content type:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="zh-cn">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312">

I think my Apache is not serving the GB2312 charset. So I looked here:


How can I verify what charsets my Apache 1.3.34 server currently
supports? I read that section on AddCharset but it doesn't say exactly
what file should I edit to add this to it? How do I know what are
valid charsets (spelled the way Apache expects them)? I can find no
mod_mime when I do an 'apt-cache search mod_mime' but I did find a

libapache2-mod-mime-xattr - Apache2 module to get MIME info from
filesystem extended attributes

Will apache2 modules work with my Apache 1 webserver? The server is
now running Debian testing release since I upgraded it. I guess I want
something like:

AddLanguage zh-cn .zh-cn
AddCharset  gb2312 .gb

Does that look good? I am just guessing since I don't know the proper
extension that Apache maps to gb2312 and I am following the example
for the AddLanguage so not 100% sure if I did that correctly. I would also like
to support the Big5 chinese character set so can someone tell me what to add
for this as well.


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