Hello List.

I'm trying to set up multiple web-applications on a debian etch operating 
system using apache2 in combination with mod_fcgid and suexec. The versions are 
the  ones contained in the up-to-date debian etch distribution. I used apt to 
install all components.

Each application (=vhost) should run under a distinct user. The apache user and 
script users should have read-only access to the files. The script users 
(borki, mapserver and mapbender) have no homedir and no shell for security 
reasons. The user 'sysadmin' which is not used by any script is the human admin 
that may log in via ssh and maintain the application. He should be the only one 
with write permissions.

The vhost on Port 80 is running some php scripts, that's working fine (but 
suexec.log shows an unexpected uid. A whois.php shows the expected user like 
defined in the vhost section). Port 81 executes a cgi Programm without 
problems, too (81 executes no php, for that it has no wrapper, a vhost.cgi 
shows the correct user, suexec.log shows an unexpected uid, again). The problem 
lies in the vhost on Port 82. This one should be configured identically to the 
80 vhost, to run php scripts.
Here I came over a weird problem. suexec states users that do not appear in my 
config files. I tried playing around with permissions and SuexecUserGroup's, 
without success so long.

It would be great if someone could have a look at my configuration and logs, 
maybe there is an obvious, simple error. Please tell me if you are missing some 
informations or if I should perform some more tests. It's very unlikely that I 
might have found a bug, but if an experienced user thinks that this might be 
the case, please tell that, too. If the described behaviour is the expected 
behaviour, please inform me what I got wrong.

I have read all docs that I have found and tried to understand them. Anyhow, 
I'm quite a newby, so the problem could be caused by anything from a typo, up 
to a lack of basical understanding. I gave my best to solute that case, but I'm 
really stuck here. Any help is appreciated, even RTFM or STFW. But please tell 
me the ressources, too 'cause I have tried searching already. If you see some 
security issues that I have overlooked, please feel free to tell me. The goal 
is an as-secure-as possible server, without chrooting apache. If one 
application gets compromised, the intruder should not be able to affect other 

Thank you in advance for taking your time!


My vhost config:

mybox:/# cat /etc/apache2/sites-available/default
#vhost1: running fine as user borki (php scripts)
NameVirtualHost *:80
<VirtualHost *:80>

        ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        SuexecUserGroup borki borki
        DocumentRoot /var/www/borki/htdocs

        <Directory /var/www/borki/htdocs>
                Options -Indexes +FollowSymLinks +MultiViews +ExecCGI
                AddHandler fcgid-script .php
                FCGIWrapper /var/www/borki/conf/php5-fcgid-htdocs .php
                AllowOverride None
                Order allow,deny
                allow from all

        ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/borki.error.log
        LogLevel warn
        CustomLog /var/log/apache2/access.log combined
        ServerSignature Off


# vhost2: running fine as user mapserver, has webgis group rights (cgi, no php)
NameVirtualHost *:81
<VirtualHost *:81>

        ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        SuexecUserGroup mapserver webgis
        DocumentRoot /var/www/mapserver

        <Directory /var/www/mapserver>
                AllowOverride None
                SetHandler fcgid-script
                Options +ExecCGI -MultiViews +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
                Order allow,deny
                Allow from all

        ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/mapserver.error.log
        LogLevel warn
        CustomLog /var/log/apache2/access.log combined
        ServerSignature Off


#vhost3 is not running, should be the same as vhost1, but with user mbweb
NameVirtualHost *:82
<VirtualHost *:82>

        ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        SuexecUserGroup mbweb mbweb #PLEASE NOTE THE USER CONFIGURED HERE
        DocumentRoot /var/www/mapbender/http

        <Directory /var/www/mapserver/http>
                Options +ExecCGI +MultiViews +FollowSymLinks -Indexes
                AddHandler fcgid-script .php
                FCGIWrapper /var/www/mapbender/conf/php5-fcgid-htdocs .php
                AllowOverride None
                Order allow,deny
                Allow from all

        ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/mapbender.error.log
        LogLevel warn
        CustomLog /var/log/apache2/access.log combined
        ServerSignature Off


File permissions:

mybox:/# ls -al /var/www
insgesamt 20
drwxr-xr-x  5 root      root   4096 2008-08-16 15:58 .
drwxr-xr-x 14 root      root   4096 2008-07-30 09:41 ..
drwxr-x--x  6 sysadmin  borki  4096 2008-08-12 16:09 borki
drwxr-x--x 11 sysadmin  mbweb  4096 2008-08-20 13:48 mapbender
dr-xr-xr-x  2 mapserver webgis 4096 2008-08-22 09:45 mapserver

mybox:/# ls -al /var/www/borki/
insgesamt 24
drwxr-x--x 6 sysadmin borki  4096 2008-08-12 16:09 .
drwxr-xr-x 5 root     root   4096 2008-08-16 15:58 ..
dr-xr-x--- 2 borki    borki  4096 2008-08-21 10:10 conf
drwxr-x--- 6 sysadmin borki  4096 2008-08-22 09:44 htdocs
drwxrwx--- 2 sysadmin borki  4096 2008-08-06 15:00 log
drwxr-x--- 4 sysadmin webgis 4096 2008-08-07 12:24 mapfile

mybox:/# ls -al /var/www/borki/conf/
insgesamt 56
dr-xr-x--- 2 borki    borki  4096 2008-08-21 10:10 .
drwxr-x--x 6 sysadmin borki  4096 2008-08-12 16:09 ..
-r-xr-x--- 1 borki    borki   105 2008-08-21 10:10 php5-fcgid-htdocs
-rw-r--r-- 1 root     root  42286 2008-08-21 10:01 php.ini

mybox:/# ls -al /var/www/borki/htdocs/
insgesamt 32
drwxr-x--- 6 sysadmin borki  4096 2008-08-22 09:44 .
drwxr-x--x 6 sysadmin borki  4096 2008-08-12 16:09 ..
drwxr-x--- 2 sysadmin borki  4096 2008-08-07 13:17 css
drwxr-x--- 7 sysadmin borki  4096 2008-08-12 16:47 img
drwxrwx--- 2 borki    borki 12288 2008-08-22 09:45 tmp
drwxr-x--- 2 sysadmin borki  4096 2008-08-21 15:07 www

mybox:/# ls -al /var/www/borki/htdocs/www/
insgesamt 320
drwxr-x--- 2 sysadmin borki  4096 2008-08-21 15:07 .
drwxr-x--- 6 sysadmin borki  4096 2008-08-22 09:44 ..
-rw-r----- 1 sysadmin borki 14195 2008-08-21 15:06 index.php

mybox:/# ls -al /var/www/mapserver/
insgesamt 4196
dr-xr-xr-x 2 mapserver webgis    4096 2008-08-22 09:45 .
drwxr-xr-x 5 root      root      4096 2008-08-16 15:58 ..
-r-x------ 1 mapserver webgis 4269751 2008-08-05 10:24 mapserv
-r-x------ 1 mapserver webgis     128 2008-08-21 15:10 whoami.cgi

mybox:/# ls -al /var/www/mapbender/
insgesamt 80
drwxr-x--x 11 sysadmin mbweb  4096 2008-08-20 13:48 .
drwxr-xr-x  5 root     root   4096 2008-08-16 15:58 ..
dr-xr-x---  2 mbweb    mbweb  4096 2008-08-21 10:16 conf
drwxr-x--- 14 sysadmin mbweb  4096 2008-08-22 10:40 http
drwxrwx---  2 sysadmin mbweb  4096 2008-07-11 17:43 log

mybox:/# ls -al /var/www/mapbender/conf/
insgesamt 88
dr-xr-x---  2 mbweb    mbweb  4096 2008-08-21 10:16 .
drwxr-x--x 11 sysadmin mbweb  4096 2008-08-20 13:48 ..
-r-xr-x---  1 mbweb    mbweb    79 2008-08-21 10:16 php5-fcgid-htdocs
-rw-r--r--  1 root     root  42286 2008-08-21 10:13 php.ini

mybox:/# ls -al /var/www/mapbender/http/
insgesamt 72
drwxr-x--- 14 sysadmin mbweb 4096 2008-08-22 10:40 .
drwxr-x--x 11 sysadmin mbweb 4096 2008-08-20 13:48 ..
drwxr-x---  2 sysadmin mbweb 4096 2008-07-11 17:43 css
drwxr-x--- 14 sysadmin mbweb 4096 2008-07-11 17:43 img
-rw-r-----  1 sysadmin mbweb    5 2008-08-20 13:47 test.htm
-rw-r-----  1 sysadmin mbweb   37 2008-08-22 09:52 test.php
drwxr-x---  2 sysadmin mbweb 4096 2008-07-11 17:43 tmp

The php wrappers for vhost1 and vhost3:

mybox:/# cat /var/www/borki/conf/php5-fcgid-htdocs
export PHPRC
exec /usr/bin/php5-cgi
mybox:/# cat /var/www/mapbender/conf/php5-fcgid-htdocs
export PHPRC
exec /usr/bin/php5-cgi

The users:

mybox:/# cat /etc/group

What works: -> running fine as user borki -> running fine as user mapserver
(I verified that using whoami.php/cgi scripts) -> shows my html (That shows that I'm on the 
correct server in the correct directory)

The problem and the corresponding logs: -> Does NOT run (Apache on Browser: Service 
Temporarily unavailable)

[2008-08-22 11:17:11]: uid: (1004/mbweb) gid: (1007/1007) cmd: test.php //1004 
[2008-08-22 11:17:11]: target uid/gid (1004/1007) mismatch with directory 
(1001/1007) or program (1001/1007)

main.error.log (configured in apache2.conf)
suexec policy violation: see suexec log for more details
[Fri Aug 22 11:17:45 2008] [notice] mod_fcgid: server 
/var/www/mapbender/http/test.php(21037) started
[Fri Aug 22 11:17:45 2008] [notice] mod_fcgid: process 
/var/www/mapbender/http/test.php(21036) exit(server exited), terminated by 
calling exit(), return code: 120

[Fri Aug 22 11:19:43 2008] [warn] mod_fcgid: can't apply process slot for 

- Please ignore the timestamps, I reloaded the site multiple times to get the 
logs - 

Additional infos and tests, partly performed during a discussion in #apache on 

When I call vhost1 (working fine as borki) suexec.log states: 
[2008-08-22 13:15:11]: uid: (1002/borki) gid: (1004/1004) cmd: 
php5-fcgid-htdocs //1002 IS REMOTE I WOULD EXPECT BORKI (1004)// Note that a 
whois.php prints out user borki

When I call vhost2 suexec.log states the following:
[2008-08-22 14:19:53]: uid: (1003/mapserver) gid: (1006/1006) cmd: mapserv 
//1003 IS SYSADMIN, I WOULD EXPECT MAPSERVER  (1005)// Note that a whois.cgi 
prints out user mapserver

<helper> me: can you set mweb:mweb on test.php ?
<helper> me: for testing...

<me> test.pht, ../http and ../../mapbender have owner mbweb now.
suexec.log states: uid: (1004/mbweb) gid: (1007/1007) cmd: test.php. file has 
no execute permission.  //1004 IS BORKI, I WOULD EXPECT MBWEB (1007)//

<me> test.php is now 750 mbweb.mbweb. 
suexec.log: uid: (1004/mbweb) gid: (1007/1007) cmd: test.php //1004 IS BORKI, I 
main.error.log (apache): suexec failure: could not open log file 
fopen: Permission denied (test.php is just a simple echo, without any fopen).
mapbender.error.log (application test.php):  [warn] mod_fcgid: can't apply 
process slot for /var/www/mapbender/http/test.php


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