I've a rather simple task:

A webpage that is hosted as subdomain (bleiberecht.sosmitmensch.at) should be accessible under a Toplevel-Domain (bleiberecht.at).

Cause the webpage itself is hardcoded to the subdomain I intend to use reverseproxy and the proxy_html_module to make the page accessible under its own domain. I used this technique before and it worked, but this time I fail. While the page itself is accessible fine, the links in the page are not converted as intended.

I can access bleiberecht.at but most of its links are still pointing to bleiberecht.sosmitmensch.at instead of being transformed to bleiberecht.at bei proxy_html.

What am I doing wrong?

My config:

LoadModule  proxy_module         /usr/lib/apache2/mod_proxy.so
LoadModule  proxy_http_module    /usr/lib/apache2/mod_proxy_http.so
LoadModule  headers_module       /usr/lib/apache2/mod_headers.so
LoadModule  deflate_module       /usr/lib/apache2/mod_deflate.so
LoadFile    /usr/lib/libxml2.so
LoadModule  proxy_html_module    /usr/lib/apache2/mod_proxy_html.so

<VirtualHost xx.xx.xx.xx:80>

    SetOutputFilter proxy-html
    ProxyHTMLExtended On

    ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    ServerName bleiberecht.at
    ServerAlias www.bleiberecht.at

    ProxyRequests  Off

    ProxyPass     / http://bleiberecht.sosmitmensch.at/
    ProxyHTMLURLMap http://bleiberecht.sosmitmensch.at/ /
    ProxyPassReverse  / http://bleiberecht.sosmitmensch.at/

    <Location />
        ProxyPassReverse /
        SetOutputFilter  proxy-html
        ProxyHTMLURLMap  /      /
        RequestHeader    unset  Accept-Encoding

    ProxyHTMLLogVerbose On
    LogLevel Debug

    HostnameLookups Off


thnx for any help,

mag. peter pilsl - goldfisch.at
Tel: +43-699-11288470
Tel: +43-1-8900602
Fax: +43-1-8900602-15
skype: peter.pilsl

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