
if i make a compilation of all information i have between PHP and apache
RewriteRule i have an issue.

let's take an example.

1. user types in his favorite browser www.website.com
2. www.website.com/index.php redirects user to
www.website.com/en/welcome/(index.php within /welcome) thanks the
following command: header("Location:
3. however, as /en/welcome does not exist, apache sends an error message:
The requested URL /se_internet/en/welcome/ was not found on this server.

even if i have in my .htaccess file:
RewriteRule ^/([A-Za-z0-9-]+)/welcome/$ /welcome/index.php?lang=$1 [NC,L]

4. user should at the end have in his browser address bar
http://www.website.com/en/welcome (knowing that apache would reroute him to

so where is the problem ?
is there a problem with RewriteRule when you reroute only virtual folders ?

Windows XP SP3
PostgreSQL 8.2.4 / MS SQL server 2005
Apache 2.2.4
PHP 5.2.4
C# 2005-2008

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