----- Start Opprinnelig Melding -----
Sendt: Sat, 18 Oct 2008 19:02:17 +0200
Fra: André Warnier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Til: users@httpd.apache.org, Tomcat Users List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I am sending this to both the Apache httpd and Tomcat users lists, in 
> the hope that because together these HTTP servers cover a good fraction 
> of the market, there might be a chance to reach the righ people.
> My hope is that someone who is aware of, and connected to, the process 
> of RFC generation would pick this up, or else inform us if some process 
> in the direction that I am indicating below is already under way.
> I apologise in advance if I am crashing an open door.  If so, I would 
> gladly accept to be informed about what the state of affairs is.
> (A Google search on the terms "HTTP" and "RFC" and "UTF-8" does not seem 
> to yeld any relevant results.)
> Proposal :
> It is becoming urgent to create a new HTTP standard/version/revision, 
> that would be organised around Unicode as a default character set, and 
> UTF-8 as a default encoding.
> I believe that the spread and acceptance of Unicode and UTF-8 is now 
> sufficient to warrant such an evolution.
> The current situation, where iso-8859-1 is the default in some areas, 
> and  some other areas are either unspecified or vague, creates a lot of 
> confusion and inefficiencies, and creates barriers to the creation of 
> truly international HTTP-based WWW applications.
> Here are some areas where these problems appear :
> - the encoding of URLs.
> - the encoding of HTTP headers.
> - the encoding of user credentials in browser-side Basic and Digest 
> authentication dialogs, and their transmission to the server.
> - the encoding of input elements from html forms, as transmitted by a 
> client to a server, and the interpretation of ditto data by the server
> I am quite sure that I am forgetting some aspects of the same issue.
> For each of the above, there are areas where there is no specification, 
> or areas where there are vague specifications, or areas where there are 
> multiple apparently-contradictory specifications.
> Consequently, there is a profusion of ad-hoc tricks and receipes, and 
> there start to appear various "parameters" and "flags" and "settings" at 
> the client and server level, which may help resolving the issues in some 
> cases, but which in the long term create even more confusion and 
> problems of interoperability.
> (example of a setting : "use body encoding for URL").
> There might be some efforts under way to tackle one or the other aspect 
> of the above (I have heard of a proposal regarding HTTP headers), but I 
> honestly believe that this issue can only be resolved well "at the top", 
> which seems to me the HTTP protocol itself.
----- Slutt Opprinnelig Melding -----

I just want to say that I agree with you in recommending UTF-8 as the default 
character encoding. It has been a natural evolution toward richer character 
sets, but the HTTP (and other) standards have not followed this evolution.

I doubt, however, that the HTTP---one for the web's core protocol---will be 
revised just to make room for internationalisation. More needs need to be 
addressed at the same time to make something happen in this area.

Personally I would want to see the HTTP user-error 402 (Payment Required) 
specified in the upcoming specs. There are so many for-pay web-sites/services 
around that this should have been specified a long time ago.
Daniel Aleksandersen

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