Your output shows that the two undefined symbols are used/referenced in libapr-1.so. I would check over the build of your libapr and/or apr utils.
I compiled Apache on Solaris 10 a couple of months ago and had issues with apr. Something about Solaris putting apr stuff in a non-standard path. The fix was to include /usr/ccs/bin in $PATH. For a bash shell:

export PATH=$PATH:/usr/ccs/bin

Hope that helps!


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Please respond to users@httpd.apache.org

To:     users@httpd.apache.org
cc:      (bcc: Dan Mitton/YD/RWDOE)
Subject: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Error when compiling apache 2.2.10 on solaris 10, suggestions?
LSN: Not Relevant
User Filed as: Not a Record

Undefined                       first referenced
 symbol                             in file
__sync_fetch_and_add_4              /usr/local/lib/libapr-1.so
__sync_fetch_and_sub_4              /usr/local/lib/libapr-1.so
ld: fatal: Symbol referencing errors. No output written to htpasswd
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

I had previously compiled and installed APR1.3.3 and APRUTIL1.3.4 into /usr/local/
the config goes off without problems.  I have also compiled and installed
OPENSSL 0.9.8i

here is my configure command line.
configure --with-mpm=prefork --enable-mods-shared="all ssl deflate imagemap
cache proxy mem_cache file_cache disk_cache"
--with-ssl=/sites/www-site/openssl/lib --with-z=/usr/local/lib
--enable-nonportable-atomics=yes --disable-ipv6

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