Hi, I have a computer with windows xp32 behind a router that has apache The router has a static ip and I configured it to redirect to the
computer that has apache. I also tested it works from a computer at a
different location, a basic "It works!" page can be requested.

I pointed a domain name to this static ip address. I created three
subdomains pointing to @, which means they all point to the same static ip
address. I tested from the remote computer and this works, the test page can
be retrieved.

I wanted to use virtual hosts so that if I typed the static ip address on my
browser, the server would respond as if it was a request to the root folder.

If I typed the domain name (no subdomain), the server would respond as if it
was a request to the root folder.

If I typed the domain name with a subdomain (one of them being www), the
server would respond as if it was a request to a SUBFOLDER, each subdomain
has a subfolder with the same name as the subdomain within htdocs, one
folder has a index.php file that contains phpinfo();, the other two are

No matter what I do I can only get all subdomain, domain and ip requests to
point to the root OR to the first subdomain folder I entered on httpd.conf,
all at the same time, so I am unable to achieve my objective.

File structure:
F:/web/Apache2210/htdocs/index.html -> "It works!"
F:/web/Apache2210/htdocs/subdomains/a/index.php -> "<?php phpinfo(); ?>"

Here is my latest configuration, I put this at the end of httpd.conf:
<VirtualHost *>
DocumentRoot "F:/web/Apache2210/htdocs"
DirectoryIndex index.html
#index.html exists at that folder
<VirtualHost *>
ServerName a.abcde.com
ServerAlias a.abcde.com
DocumentRoot "F:/web/Apache2210/htdocs/subdomains/a"
DirectoryIndex index.php
#index.php exists at that folder
<VirtualHost *>
ServerName b.abcde.com
ServerAlias b.abcde.com
DocumentRoot "F:/web/Apache2210/htdocs/subdomains/b"
DirectoryIndex index2.php
#index2.php doesn't exist
<VirtualHost *>
ServerName c.abcde.com
ServerAlias c.abcde.com
DocumentRoot "F:/web/Apache2210/htdocs/subdomains/c"
DirectoryIndex index3.php
#index3.php doesn't exist
<VirtualHost *>
ServerName abcde.com
ServerAlias abcde.com *.abcde.com
DocumentRoot "F:/web/Apache2210/htdocs"
DirectoryIndex index.html
#index.html exists at that folder

There are no typos on the censored domain/subdomain names, just checked

For testing I tried to open:
1. IP address
2. abcde.com
3. a.abcde.com
All three returned index.html
Then tried the other two subdomains and they return index.html.

If I change the order so that a.abcde.com's virtualhost is first then all my
results become index.php.

Yes, I save the config then reset apache.

Originally I didn't have NameVirtualHost but now I have this line before the
virtualhost definitions:
NameVirtualHost <static ip address>:80

I can't seem to do what everyone can, I hope I am just missing something

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